Thursday, October 11, 2007

The writing's on the floor

Apparently this is what our living room looks like at the end of the day when Dallin requires extra TLC (no naps and all day in my arms - maybe a cold???) Look at all that fun! We spent the morning shopping for friend birthday presents, wrapped one, and started folding laundry. Then Grant and Ella doing their very best to entertain themselves hooked all of Dallin's toys on his playmat and made a fort with kitchen chairs and cushions. At about 6:30, I just stood dazed at how a room could go from clean to disaster in a matter of hours. I just had to take a picture.


Diane said...

I looked at your pics and it brought back memories of my own--I still remember the days--amazingly a day will come when these memories you have--with pictures even --will bring back a smile and a wish for them all to be little again.

Melissa and Chad said... house gets like that without little kids! Hmmm...whats that say about me?

Cute baby pics!

Laura F said...

Awesome post! I could do something similar just about every day it seems, although I'm not certain it goes back to clean every night. We certainly try, but you're a busy mom! I love the pictures of Dallin - he's so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

My kids are older and my whole house feels like that at the end of almost everyday!! I think that is just the price of having a family :) Lucky for them we will continue to clean up the same things again, and again, and again...

lacey said...

But isn't Ella smiling? Huge forts and every toy in the room can be out of place, but they had "so much fun". I fell frustration at the house and yet the "just let them be" kicks in too. Ah, the insanity in my head!

Rachel & Jeramy said...

So funny....Everyone can relate to this picture...It is amazing...