Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ella-'leena' Ballerina

Ella loves to dance and practice's her ballet all the time. On one occasion, we went shopping and found this cute swim suit and dance shoes (from H&M). She also found a fairie-like tu-tu and clear sparkly shoes. The shoes were the wrong size and I convinced her that we would buy a tu-tu when she started Ballet. This swim suit became her new dance outfit- you know, because it's so cute and it has a skirt. Notice the curtsy at the end!

Dallin Movin' Around

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dallin getting around

Dallin loves pulling himself up on everything and can't wait until he is walking like the rest of his family.

Rub-dub-dub three kids in the tub

My kids love the bath. This probably wasn't the cutest shot, but definately the most modest. Apparently, daddy was only looking at the cute faces in all the other shots he took.

I decided that I'd better capture the moment of painting because I almost never let my kids paint and they always want to. It always seems like a huge time drainer - set up, clean up, keeping the paint stocked. They did make me a picture with their hand prints (which was cute). And almost made me a picture with their 'feet' prints (which I vetoed for fear of feet prints from the table to the sink).

Ella and our 'almost' pet frog

Ella found this frog and held it for at least 30 minutes. When I saw the grasp she had on it, I told her she was squeezing it too hard, she stopped squeezing and it kicked. So then, she dropped on the concrete. After 3 times of this poor frog being squeezed and dropped, I told her to let the frog be free. The next day we saw it again and had decided to keep it for the day in Grant's frog habitat (which used to hold tadpoles until they died). Grant tried to catch it, but got freaked out when it squirmed. It hopped away and hasn't been seen since. I did learn, however, that a frog contains enough pee to drench the sleeves of a small girl - yuck!

This child has no fear. I'm not actually sure how he managed to get inside the toy box. When I came in the room - there he was. He loved it.

Cute happy baby!

Ella was so angry at me because I made her go potty (after watching her dance in circles, even though she claimed she was just 'bored'). She makes this really funny mean face and to get her to stop, I tell her, "That is just the ugliest face I've ever seen, let me take a picture". So, of course when I bring out the camera, she magically changes to the sweetest look ever. I told her that the camera must be like a magic wand.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ella and Easter

Ella finding Easter Eggs

Ella would be pleased if all clothes were shiny or sparkly

Pictures to Muse

Dallin has done this trick a few times - the first time it was a little traumatic, but now he has figured out how to squirm around and pull his head out of the toys

The first time tasting snow

Grant and Ella were in tattoo heaven (thanks to my mom!) It kept them busy for a couple of hours and they loved it (except the part when Grant put his favorite tattoo on his belly-button and it didn't work)

Easter presents - Grant had been asking for a watch since Christmas and so I just knew it was the perfect gift. But, it seems that he was dreaming of a bug toy all night and when it wasn't waiting for him in his basket, he was heart-broken (into tears). Which, of course, broke my heart. Once I showed him how cool his watch was, it was an entirely different matter (spider-man flip watch with a stamp-pad). Ella doesn't even tell time yet, but it does have princesses on it - plus, she is all about having whatever Grant has.

Grant searching for eggs - it was very cold and even snowed the next day (Easter Sunday)

More Pictures

Cute cuddles

This was a new trick and he was so proud

Grant pulling Ella on a sled - what a sweet brother

The first time Dallin was in a swing and loving it

I thought this picture really captured Dallin's personality - very content