Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Excitement at the Nelson Place

First off, we bought a home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put lots of exclamation points to show just how excited we all are about that. Our home in St. Louis is still looking for an owner. We have high hopes that it will sell soon.

Second, many children, grandchildren and even a few great-grandchildren will be meeting in Boise to celebrate my grandmothers 75th birthday this weekend (Ella and me included). All of my sisters and two of their brand new babies will be there.

Third, my sister Lori is moving to Logan in two weeks. I'm still trying to convince her to stay with us for a bit.

Forth, (not really exciting, as in hooray; but emotions did flare) Ella has been particularly sneakily naughty (and is actually on probation to attend the party this weekend). In the past 4 days she has: bit Grant 3 times, put on a diaper and Dallin's clothes, drawn on herself with a pen to make herself look like a kitty (whiskers, stripes, paws, claws ....), put the white sugar in her closet and ate spoonfuls of it (she is currently off sweets for the week after her biting episodes), smeared bum cream all over her legs (said she thought it was my lotion). It seems that she is out of sorts.


Bridget said...

Congratulations! We're so excited for you guys and can't wait to help you get settled. Let us know the details and we're happy to watch kids/move stuff/clean or whatever else you need. Congratulations again!

Jess said...

Wahoo for the house!
Wahoo for the Grandma;s 75th and new babies!
Hahahahaha about Ella! I am still laughing about the sugar!

Melynie said...

CONGRATS!!! I know just how exciting that is! We are closing on our new home next Tuesday. Tell me about your new house!

Amy said...

Yay for the new house! Sorry about Ella. But, hey, those are funny stories!

Jones Family said...

Yeah! For the house--I can't wait to see it. I don't know what to say about Ella--you should write this stuff down though.:)

Anonymous said...

Oh Kate! Congrates on the home- Ella is too funny, I am still smiling :)

Melissa and Chad said...

I want to see pixs of the new house soon! Hope all is well. It was so nice to see you!