Friday, March 6, 2009

Fun with Hair

Ella donated 10 iches to locks of love. She has been talking about getting her hair cut ever since I showed her a picture of her friend Abby who got her hair cut. I do love her long hair, but I wanted her to decide. For a long time, I would say, "If you cut your hair, you can't have any ponytails on the side of your head." (Her favorite style for a while was ponies.) Well, one day, she decided to cut off part of her 'pony'. Miraculously, her cut ended up being close to her face and just looked like a cute layer. However, I expained how ugly (yes, I used the word 'ugly' - mostly for shock value) her hair would be if she cut off her ponytails. Then I forbade her from using sissors again until she was 6. Meanwhile, I read my friend's post (Melanie) about her little girl chopping off her hair. Also, I realized that it would really be to her benefit to practice using sissors. Waal-a!!! A new 'short cut'.

Ella absolutely loves her new 'short cut' and has never muttered a word of regret. Admittedly, I too, love how fast washing and doing her hair is. Plus, I think she is adorable. At the grocery store she kept trying to hide and when I asked her why, she said, "I don't want anyone seeing how cute I am because they might want to take me." (A couple of weeks prior, she was doing full body poses whenever people walked by because, "I want them to say that I'm the cutest girl in the store.")

I was way overdo for a haircut and decided to pick a style that was easy. Lori and I both agree that my hair looks even better in person, but here it is.


Melynie said...

ADORABLE cuts! Both of you! Miss you guys! Any luck on the house yet?

Amy said...

You both look cute! I love what Ella said in the store; she's an original, that girl.

Jones Family said...

I love both haircuts--really so cute.:)

Melanie said...

Wow! I love them both! Halle told me she wanted to take a haircut like Colby & my sister-in-law gave her the cutest little bob... but she always wants it in a 'pony in the back' & gets so mad when I tell her that her hair is too short. I love the stories about Ella in the store! That is adorable:)

audreywaldron said...

She is the most adorable little girl ever!!!! Love your new cut too, turned out so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Cute cuts! I am way to chicken to cut mine short.

Melissa and Chad said...

Kate- your house is awesome! Congrats! Also I like the new hair cuts!